Wednesday, June 21, 2006


We just received word that Blockbuster Video has boarded the Magdalena Train. Streeting on July 25, our movie can be found on the shelves of the Big Blue.

Blockbuster will only be carrying us in about a 1/4 of their stores, but if you do the math it's a substantial buy, and one we couldn't be happier with. We knew that our distributor had a relationship with Hollywood Video, and now they do with the other rental biggie. Alex at Heretic told us that MAGDALENA'S BRAIN is the first title from his company to be accepted by the rental chain, and he's pretty happy about it.

We're down to about a month before the street date. A please, start pestering your local retailers fto carry the title. It's being solicited, and they should know about us.

If you haven't reserved or ordered your copy yet, follow the links below!


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