Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Reviews are In...

... well, they're starting anyway. On this, Thursday July 13, two reviews have popped up on-line for MAGDALENA'S BRAIN. Jeff over at Undertaker's Lounge writes that MB is "not your typical low budget genre picture. It's striving for something deeper and smarter and it demands that viewers adjust their expectations accordingly. " Thanks for noticing!

And over at DVDTalk, the reviewer thinks it's "well-acted and inordinately smart for such a small-scale project," and contains a "quietly alienating visual style and... numerous brainy concepts." Not bad, eh?

Neither review is an unqualified rave, but both are fair and point out the merits of the film, as well as a drawback or two. Overall, we're pretty happy with both.

Remember, July 25 is less than two weeks away.

Find the full text of the reviews here:

Undertaker's Lounge Site
DVDTalk review


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