The Western Mass Filmmaking Community
After being both intensely and peripherly involved on a number of projects in the area (including 5 1/2 feature films... sorry Karl, DEAD DUDES won't be a feature until you pass that 70 minute mark), I've forged a tremendous number of relationships, both personal and professional, with lots and lots of talented folks. Included in these numbers are high level directors of photography, editors, audio engineers, composers, script supervisors, grips, special effects guys and more. The truth of the matter is that Western Mass has a strong base of artists and technicians with quite a bit to contribute to the independent film world.
Having said that, let's see some of them in action. Scott Kittredge & John Loos on the set of BUBBLE TRUBBLE.
Having said that, let's see some of them in action. Scott Kittredge & John Loos on the set of BUBBLE TRUBBLE.
Tom Light & Chris Grabowski, PA extraordinaires.
Steve Cary shooting a zombie extra in Mike Weaver's RAW MATERIAL.Scott Kittredge directing with Joel Katon holding boom, John Loos gaffing, and Rick Sands (far left, DP'ing) on the film TERMINAL CONVERSATION. (photo courtesy Scott Kittredge; copyright 2006 Bowling Squirrel)The cast/crew of MAGDALENA'S BRAIN: sitting L-R; Atom Marotte, Jim Purchase, Jake Teixiera, Amy Shelton-White, Joel Katon, Maria Escribano, Karl Kempter. Standing L-R; Mark Devin, Bruce MacDonald, Warren Amerman, Marty Langford, Konrad Rogowski.Jeff Allard directing Mike Weaver and David Joseph on the set of AT A THEATER NEAR YOU. Joel Katon and DP, Ed Brown set up the shot.
Hey Marty...W. Mass. has a film scene which I doubt is duplicated in any other area our size. I've been thinking about:
a) a genre-oriented film festival
b) the creation of a film bureau for the four western counties to encourage both domestic and imported film production....
What do you all think?
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